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Views 5.180 17 feb
In Cusco Peru, our volunteers & volunteer coordinator celebrated the 12th anniversary of one of our volunteer projects, the Unión de Ciegos.
At 10 am everyone came together, the community of the blind people, their families and friends and others who were invited.
At 11 am there was a mess and at 12 am they started a program with music, dances, theatre and a speak of different persons. Afterwards we had a delicious lunch with chicken, potatoes, a big piece of cake as a dessert and wine.
Views 6.798 26 ene
Tamara van der Houwen and Willeke van Geest were two volunteers in Cusco , who participated in the Spanish and Volunteer Program of AMAUTA Spanish School. They worked in one of our after school projects in Cusco, where many kids go after school do receive something to drink, to eat, and some assistance with their homework.. Also, it is just a place where they can go, meet a friend, or relax. Those places a very necessary, as in many hoses, there is no one home for the kids, when they are done with school….
Views 5.351 28 may
This volunteer work has allowed us to experience the universal magic of childhood in a culture very different from our own. Thank you for the opportunity to work with Rossana, Elizabeth, Marina, Raul, and Marlene, and of course the very junior citizens of Cusco.
We have been made to feel very welcome at the centre. The staff has been patient with our emerging Spanish abilities and have even offered us introductory Quechua! The hours are well suited to morning people and leave a good portion of the day available for more Spanish classes, exploring, or shopping. The volunteers’ Spanish classes were very helpful in arming us with the necessary “imperativo” form of communication – “!No hagas eso!”, “!No grites!” etc.