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Views 5.181 17 feb
In Cusco Peru, our volunteers & volunteer coordinator celebrated the 12th anniversary of one of our volunteer projects, the Unión de Ciegos.
At 10 am everyone came together, the community of the blind people, their families and friends and others who were invited.
At 11 am there was a mess and at 12 am they started a program with music, dances, theatre and a speak of different persons. Afterwards we had a delicious lunch with chicken, potatoes, a big piece of cake as a dessert and wine.
Full and happy we started to dance and to clink glasses with the lovely pisco sour (a favorite national cocktail in Peru made of Pisco with lemmon), beer and wine – the party kept on going until the night J
The Union the Ciegos offers different options for volunteers who are interested in living and working for a some weeks on Cusco.
There are opportunities to organize several workshops and also to do some garden work. At this moment, one of our volunteers is teaching English to a group of blind people.
If you are interested, please write:
info4@volunteerworklatinamerica.org or info@amautaspanish.com
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