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Tamara van der Houwen and Willeke van Geest were two volunteers in Cusco , who participated in the Spanish and Volunteer Program of AMAUTA Spanish School. They worked in one of our after school projects in Cusco, where many kids go after school do receive something to drink, to eat, and some assistance with their homework.. Also, it is just a place where they can go, meet a friend, or relax. Those places a very necessary, as in many hoses, there is no one home for the kids, when they are done with school….
Our volunteers brought donations from their families and friends in Holland and wanted to share those with different projects. So we selected three kindergartens, two after school projects and a center of physical or mental rehabilitation. Together with the volunteer coordinator, the girls went shopping in Cusco to buy many of the things the project has requested for this donation.
Most of the projects wanted to celebrate Christmas with the kids, so we bought a lot of “Panetones” (this is a kind of fruitcake, typical for the Christmas period), and the ingredients to prepare hot chocolate and sweets; but also presents and some articles that they could use in the near future, such as soap and other toys. Two projects invited us to their Christmas party (in Peru called “Chocolatada”) and we had a great time eating paneton, drinking hot chocolate, playing and dancing with the kids J
Thank you Tamara and Willeke!
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